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Field Expeditions

  • Boé, Guinea-Bissau (03/02-01/07/2017): Principal Investigator leading a field research team for the Chimpanzee Accumulative Stone Throwing project

  • Sangaredi, Guinea (10/01-02/02/2017): Principal Investigator leading a field research team for the Chimpanzee Accumulative Stone Throwing project

  • Issa Primate Project, Tanzania (28/05-21/06/2016): Field research for the PanAf programme to complete data collection.

  • Taï Chimpanzee Project, Côte d’Ivoire (30/06/2010- 02/06/2012): Field work for my doctoral research and camp manager for an interim period of five months.                                    

  • Lac Télé Community Reserve, Republic of Congo (30/04- 31/07/2008): Principal Investigator leading a field expedition for my masters research.


  • Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica (30/01-05/2007): Field Research Assistant for Proyecto Carey, a frugivore tropical ecology research project. 

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